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Welcome Empaths, Intuitives and Psychics!

Who else is ready to become a
Powerful Aura Reader?

Welcome to Intuitive Readings and Training by_ Amy Norman-Foster

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Intuition has its own subtle energy and potential that offers an expansive reservoir of information for you.


Past, present and future...


are available when you use your capacity for reading and energy management.


Intuition also awakens a deeper truth within you.


.. it enriches your life by adding more wisdom, authenticity, and inspiration each day.


  • Use intuition to read others or yourself.

  • Increase your perception and skills

  • Maximize ideas & opportunities

  • Optimize your purpose and mojo




Tap into Healing, Navigation, True Inner Potential


Welcome to purely intuitive, an authentic space for intuition and breakthrough transformations.


Readings and coaching are available via Zoom, and email, by appointment only.


Sacred Rebel Oracle Cards by Alana Fairchild


 An Aura Reading  can save you years of going in circles, doubting yourself, feeling stuck,

and worried about taking on new experiences,

or  how to make your next decision.


Discover how clairvoyance can empower you,

Overcome your limited self-image and overwhelming thoughts,

Attract your highest destiny and own up to your true worthiness.


You are closer to your glam life  than you think!

Do You Have Questions?
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